Contact Details
- 01489 782075
Hobb Lane, Hedge End, Southampton, Hampshire SO30 0GG
Infant School
As a Rights Respecting School we believe that...
In Year 2 the National Curriculum is taught through a range of different projects. Where possible children have opportunities to experience first hand aspects of the project to inspire them and bring learning to life.
For each project certain subjects will take the lead in order to provide children with the opportunity to delve deeper and linger longer, learning the key skills and applying them in context.
When it is not possible for a subject to be directly linked to the project it is taught discreetly either in a block of learning or through a sequence of consecutive lessons.
For further information regarding the aspects of the National Curriculum taught within each project please refer to the individual subject pages of our website or speak to your child's class teacher.
Thank you for visiting the Year 2 curriculum page and expressing an interest in our school.
Kind regards
Mrs Finlay
Year 2 Leader
Hobb Lane, Hedge End, Southampton, Hampshire SO30 0GG