Contact Details
- 01489 782075
Hobb Lane, Hedge End, Southampton, Hampshire SO30 0GG
Infant School
PSHE at Freegrounds.
As a Rights Respecting School we believe that...
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Our vision for PSHE at Freegrounds Infant School is to provide opportunities and experiences which allow children to become confident and resilient learners who can identify and manage risk, make informed choices and understand what influences their decisions have on themselves and others.
The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of the child is recognised as being of fundamental importance for the education of all children by our school community. In Freegrounds Infants we value cultural diversity and work towards a common vision with a sense of belonging by all communities. We value and appreciate the diversity of backgrounds and circumstances. It is recognised that such development will be most successful when the values and attitudes promoted by the staff provide a model of behaviour for the children.
In Freegrounds Infant School we use a range of teaching and learning styles, these include activities such as group and class discussions, role play, games, computing, investigations, debating and problem-solving activities. We also encourage the children to take part in a range of practical activities that promote active citizenship, e.g. charity fundraising, the planning of school special events such as an assembly or fayre and looking after our environment. We encourage pupils to participate in discussions to resolve conflicts or behaviour and we allow children to take on different roles of responsibility during their school life; such as play leaders, classroom job monitors and school ambassadors.
In Freegrounds we believe it is important to ensure that children have as many opportunities as possible to meet and work with members of the community, whom we visit and invite into the school to talk about their role in creating a positive and supportive local community.
Teaching and Learning
PSED is one of the prime areas of learning. It is recognised as one of the building blocks of success in life. It supports children’s development by helping them to interact effectively and develop positive attitudes to themselves and others. However, this does not happen in isolation and relies on influential adults such as parents and carers providing them with positive feedback and modelling appropriate behaviour.
In EYFS, PSHE is embedded across our curriculum. You will find us playing and learning together in all of our lessons and at many other times in the day. Children have a wide variety of opportunities to embed their personal, social and emotional learning skills in their 'Discovery Time' through our outdoor environment and the many resources we have inside our EYFS Base with support from our highly skilled early years team.
Although PSHE is a non-statutory subject at KS1, at Freegrounds we continue to plan, assess and teach it in half termly units. This is because we appreciate the benefits it has in terms of developing healthy positive lifestyles, relationships and citizens. PSHE is mainly taught discretely but when and where appropriate it supports the learning of other subjects across the curriculum e.g. RE, PE, geography, art, music, dance, literacy, maths and science. We use SCARF which is a framework consisting of lesson plans and which enables us to deliver a comprehensive PSHE and Wellbeing programme throughout our school.
Whole school
We will also teach PSHE through class and whole school collective reflections, the promotion of our learning values, zones of regualtion, trick box and through visits and visitors and through the expectations of behaviour promoted by adults in the school. PSHE is also taught through enhancement days such as; visits from the Life Education team, E-safety day and buddy days.
Staying Safe.
The links below contain valuable information for parents to help children stay safe. Please note that although these sites are safe, there may be links that lead away from them. Please exercise care, as always.
Hobb Lane, Hedge End, Southampton, Hampshire SO30 0GG