Contact Details
- 01489 782075
Hobb Lane, Hedge End, Southampton, Hampshire SO30 0GG
Infant School
Freegrounds Infant School
Vision for SEND
“Pupils are at the heart of this warm and vibrant school. They are safe and happy here. … Pupils have a keen sense of equality, showing strong acceptance of people who look or sound different. Everyone is welcome here”. Ofsted March 2023.
Freegrounds Infant School is an inclusive setting and all pupils are fully integrated in the life of the school. All staff and governors are committed to welcoming children of all abilities and believe that the school should be a happy, caring and secure place where all individuals are respected and valued equally. We believe that all children have the right to a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum that is appropriate to their levels of ability and reflects our learning values; Team Work, Respect, Thinking, Independence, Engagement and Motivation. The curriculum is flexible and will be adapted and differentiated where necessary to meet the needs of the individual child.
We adhere to three key principles for inclusion:
• setting suitable learning challenges
• responding to all pupils' diverse needs
• overcoming potential barriers to learning and assessment for individuals and groups of individuals
We recognise that all children are unique and learn at different rates. Many factors affect attainment, progress and overall achievement but a child with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) will need support that is ‘in addition to or different from’ the other children in his / her year group. This additional support for children may require short or long term interventions recognising single or a combination of areas of needs.
Hobb Lane, Hedge End, Southampton, Hampshire SO30 0GG