Contact Details
- 01489 782075
Hobb Lane, Hedge End, Southampton, Hampshire SO30 0GG
Infant School
As a Rights Respecting School we believe that...
Our vision for History at Freegrounds Infant School is to provide opportunities and experiences which allow children to become confident with the content, skills and processes identified within the History curriculum. We want to inspire the children's curiosity for History and encourage them to find out more about the past. We aim to achieve this through the implementation of the six step enquiry approach.
The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of the child is recognised as being of fundamental importance for the education of all children by our school community. In Freegrounds Infants we value cultural diversity and work towards a common vision with a sense of belonging by all communities. We have incorporated a range of individuals into our History units and encourage the children to think beyond their own experiences to think about the points of view and experiences of people from different times and places.
In Freegrounds Infant School we use a range of teaching and learning styles, these include activities such as group and class discussions, role play, school trips and visitors, research based lessons and sequencing activities. The children are encouraged to collect information in a variety of ways such as, looking at sources, research based home learning and looking at Artefacts.
In Freegrounds Infant School we believe it is important to ensure that children have as many opportunities as possible to develop and follow their own lines of enquiry. Throughout the unit children are encouraged to demonstrate their understanding through a range of activities, including posters, timelines and discussions.
Teaching and Learning
Developing an understanding of the past and the present is covered within the specific area of Understanding the world. This understanding is developed throughout our Early Years curriculum through discussions that draw upon the children’s own experiences. The children will explore the past and present through discussions during child initiated learning and family group time. The children will be read a wide range of texts which will enable them to draw comparisons between the settings and experiences within the text to their own experiences.
In KS1 there are three History units taught throughout the year in each year group. These units have been planned to ensure all the areas of the curriculum have been covered and that skills are revisited to ensure the children have opportunities to build on previous knowledge. At the start of each unit the children are given the opportunity to ask questions which will be explored within the unit.
Take a look at what we have been learning in KS1!
This half term Year 2 will be learning about the Titanic!
Year 2 Man on the Moon
Year 2 Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole
Year 1 Toys
Hobb Lane, Hedge End, Southampton, Hampshire SO30 0GG