Contact Details
- 01489 782075
Hobb Lane, Hedge End, Southampton, Hampshire SO30 0GG
Infant School
As a Rights Respecting School we believe that...
At Freegrounds Infant School Physical Education is valued by teachers and learners alike. Our aim is that all children will access high quality Physical Education that will develop the children as confident movers, being aware of their bodies and what effect physical activity has on their bodies.
PE at Freegrounds Infant School
We are a fully inclusive school. All children are able to access the PE curriculum at their level.
In Early Years the children have one PE session a week that focusses on basic movement and listening skills. They have the opportunity to further develop their physical activity during Discovery Time (continuous provision) activities.
All Early Years children also have the opportunity to take part in Balanceability training which is a programme developed to support children in being able to ride a pedal bicycle confidently. We have experienced amazing successes with this. If you have any queries about this, please do not hesitate to come speak to one of the staff members about this.
In Key stage 1 each class is timetabled to have two PE sessions of curriculum PE a week. one session is taught by the class teacher and the other session is taught by external PE coaches. In Year 1 and Year 2 the children have the opportunity to learn about cricket with 'Chance to Shine'.
Hobb Lane, Hedge End, Southampton, Hampshire SO30 0GG