Contact Details
- 01489 782075
Hobb Lane, Hedge End, Southampton, Hampshire SO30 0GG
Infant School
At Freegrounds Infant School we encourage everyone to develop a strong sense of identity, self-worth and happiness, with a thirst for learning. We are relentless in the pursuit of the very best outcomes for all our children and committed to establishing strong foundations for our pupil's future success physically, emotionally and academically. The UNCRC link directly to these values and specifically...
We aim to achieve this through:
• creating a culture of inclusion and respect, valuing the ideas and celebrating the achievement, effort, successes and individuality of everyone
• providing high quality teaching and learning, first hand experiences, high levels of collaboration, challenge and support through highly personalised and Arts rich curriculum which builds on previous learning, promotes creativity, teaches key skills and creates opportunities for pupils to explore and be curious
• creating an exciting, stimulating, resource rich environment which supports learning through interactive displays and the use of technology and the outdoor environment
• enabling and encouraging everyone to become pragmatic citizens of the local and global community, confident to pursue their own interests, brave to take risks, resilient to overcome difficulties, independent and motivated to learn
• working in close collaboration with each other, parents, outside agencies, schools and the wider community
• providing the knowledge, skills, enthusiasm and opportunities to enable everyone to embrace a healthy lifestyle in terms of diet and physical activity.
Our Values underpin the way we at Freegrounds work, behave and treat all members of the school community.
Hobb Lane, Hedge End, Southampton, Hampshire SO30 0GG